tinyML Talks on September 24, 2021 "An Introduction to TinyML for all backgrounds with hands on introduction to Edge Impulse" by Peter Ing

We held our next tinyML Talks webcast. Peter Ing from Edge Impulse presented An Introduction to TinyML for all backgrounds with hands on introduction to Edge Impulse on September 24, 2021.

September 24 forum

IMPORTANT: Please register here

An introduction to TinyML for all audiences from all backgrounds, providing a high level overview of TinyML as a disruptive multidisciplinary revolution in Edge Computing and AI. Covering the benefits of TinyML and how it is a game changer for the 4th Industrial Revolution by looking at some of the potential applications and opportunities and how it disrupts and differentiates from traditional cloud and high end computing approaches to Deep Learning deployment. The talk will be capped by a hands on interactive introduction and follow along demonstration of Edge Impulse which allows anyone from any background to easily get started with TinyML.

Peter is from Cape Town and sees all technology and science as continuum but had to select one discipline and choose to complete a NDip in Electrical Engineering. He has tinkered in many different areas and has worked formally in the Retail, Transport and Automotive sectors integrating different systems and technologies together. His work interests and experience include Embedded Systems, Industrial Automation, IoT and software development and more recently Machine Learning which is what makes TinyML the ideal landing point.


Watch on YouTube:
Peter Ing

Download presentation slides:
Peter Ing

Feel free to ask your questions on this thread and keep the conversation going!

HI Everyone

Here is the link the Edge Impulse project. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.