tinyML Talks on January 21, 2022 “Enabling Low Power ML at the Edge-tinyML Shenzhen Kick-off Networking Meetup”

We held our next tinyML Talks webcast. Tiny ML Enabling ultra - low Power ML at the edge - Shenzhen Meetup group presented “Enabling Low Power ML at the Edge-tinyML Shenzhen Kick-off Networking Meetup” on January 21, 2022.


Now, tinyML Meetups are coming to Shenzhen! On January 21st, a small group of tinyML community members will gather to kick off the series tinyML: Enabling low Power ML at the Edge-Shenzhen events at Chaihuo x.factory Shenzhen. And we would love to invite you to join us to foster this amazing community!

Meetup Rundown
19:30 - 19:35 Meetup Opening
19:35 - 20:05 Ice Breaking by self-introductions
20:05 - 20:45 Brain-storming / thoughts/ discussion /ideas on upcoming TinyML Shenzhen Meetups
20:45 - 21:00 Call for Speakers for the upcoming TinyML SZ meetups Q&A
21:00 - 21:30 Group Photo, mingle, and party up
*Snacks and drinks will be served.

Meetup Details
Time: 19:30-21:30, January 21st (Friday), 2022
Place: Chaihuo x.factory, B622, Design Commune, Vanke Cloud City, Dashi 2nd Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
Notes: Please make sure to get your Health Code ready at the entrance to gain access to the event.

“If you want to walk fast, walk alone. If you want to walk far, walk together.” So makers, why wait? Let’s create and foster a unique tinyML Shenzhen Community together, and let’s meet at Chaihuo x.factory Shenzhen on January 21st. Please sign up to secure your spot and bring along your story with tinyML!!

全球最大的微型机器学习分享会TinyML Meetups落地深圳,邀你一同见证

嗨,社区小伙伴们,2022已来,希望你新年新气象,有一个全新的开始。而据全球知名咨询公司ABI Research的预测,2022年将是微型机器学习(英文:TinyML)发力大发展的一年,全球将有12亿微型机器学习芯片的设备投入使用。为了把握住这个技术趋势,我们特别邀请你参与我们将在1月21日(周五)晚在柴火创客空间举办的微型机器学习深圳小组首次分享会,一起见证、策划这个社区系列活动。

在详细介绍这次活动之前,想要简单跟大家聊一聊微型机器学习(tinyML)。相信大家对机器学习都相当熟悉了,但许多小伙伴估计对微型机器学习这个概念还相对陌生。微型机器学习被广泛定义为机器学习下辖的一个快速增长技术和应用领域,它主要包括能够以极低的功率(通常在 mW 范围及以下)在MCU等边缘设备上进行传感器数据分析的硬件、算法和软件,从而实现各种始终在线、耗能小、且相对便宜的应用场景。

而在这个新兴的技术领域,tinyML基金会也是不得不提的组织(柴火母公司矽递科技也是基金会的金牌赞助商,并协同全球用户社区推动微型机器学习技术的发展)。在过去几年中,tinyML基金会一直致力于在全球范围内推广微型机器学习。在基金会和多方利益相关者的共同努力下,通过全年举办的线上和线下的活动(包括tinyML峰会、tinyML EMEA、tinyML亚洲、tinyML演讲 和 tinyML 分享会),全球tinyML社区实现了发展壮大。以TinyML分享会为例,其目前已经在全球30个国际的42个城市有了社区据点,聚集了全球8000名活跃的社区成员。

19:30 - 19:35 开场
19:35 - 20:05 参与者破冰,相互介绍自己
20:05 - 20:45 头脑风暴,畅聊微型机器学习深圳分享会的组织与举办
20:45 - 21:00 未来系列活动讲者报名与Q&A
21:00 - 21:30 合照,自由交流



Download presentation slides:
tinyML Meetup in Shenzhen

Feel free to ask your questions on this thread and keep the conversation going!

:tada:And it’s a wrap!!! On Friday night, we had a wonderful first-ever physical tinyML Shenzhen Meetup (I think it is also the first across the country too) at Chaihuo x.factory.

:closed_book:Thank you to all 30 community members who attended and shared valuable thoughts on tinyML. Some are tech stars in the field of Machine Learning, while some are new to this emerging tech. The number is not huge yet, but it will definitely grow as “a single spark can start a huge blaze”. I’m already excited about the upcoming tinyML Meetups and Talks.

:writing_hand:I’d love to express our gratitude to Olga Goremichina, MB Jallow, Evgeni Gousev, and Yao Yang. Thank you so much for your continuous support and valuable inputs on how to make it a great kick-off event for tinyML Shenzhen Meetup Groups.

:blush:Last but not least, a big shout-out to our team at Chaihuo x.factory and Seeed Studio for all the logistics and work that made it happen. In these challenging and uncertain times dealing with the pandemic, organizing physical events are extremely challenging. But when we gathered together, we talked and we shared face to face with laughers, everything we did was worth it.

:newspaper:If you’d love to subscribe to tinyML event updates, please join tinyML Meetup groups on Meetup, where 42 tinyML groups in 33 countries are all gathered online (including tinyML Shenzhen Group) : tinyML | Meetup Pro - Meetup

What a great start! Way to go! Thank you Meilily Li and tinyML Shenzhen meetup organizing committee for organizing this successful kick-off event and running tinyML Meetup group in Shenzhen!