tinyML tinyML Trailblazers Series on December 3, 2021 “tinyML Trailblazers Success Stories with Pete Warden

We held our first tinyML Trailblazers Series. Pete Warden from Google presented tinyML Trailblazers Success Stories with Pete Warden on December 3, 2021 at 8:00 AM Pacific Time.

December 3 forum trailblazers

In addition to popular tinyML Talks (which are deeply technical in nature), we are excited to start new webcast series, tinyML Trailblazers, uncovering Success Stories in the tinyML World.
As tinyML continues its strong growth, there are more and more inspirational stories to be shared with the Community by its “movers & shakers”. These monthly LIVE and INTERACTIVE tinyML events will bring tinyML Masterminds, those who pioneer the field and make a significant impact, in an informal conversation/interview hosted by Dr. Chris Rowen, a renown Silicon Valley technologist and entrepreneur, and a tinyML innovator. They will share their stories of developing game changing tinyML technologies and innovations, applications, products and companies, as well as setting new research directions and revealing future vision.

Our first guest for the kick-off event will be Pete Warden of Google who doesn’t really need an introduction to this audience (https://tinymlbook.com/).

Pete Warden is the technical lead of the TensorFlow Lite Micro open-source project at Google, and was previously CTO of Jetpac, a machine-learning startup acquired in 2014. He’s an author of the TinyML book from O’Reilly, has taught embedded machine learning at Stanford and Harvard, and has an upcoming EdX online course. He occasionally blogs at petewarden.com, and is on Twitter as @petewarden.


Watch on YouTube:
Pete Warden

Download presentation slides:
Pete Warden

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