tinyML Talks on October 25, 2022 “Create a Voice-Controlled Pac-Man Video Game with Silicon Labs” by Dan Riedler from Silicon Labs

We held our next tinyML Talks webcast. Dan Riedler from Silicon Labs presented Create a Voice-Controlled Pac-Man Video Game with Silicon Labs on October 25, 2022.

October 25 forum

This presentation will describe how to create a voice-controlled Pac-Man video game.
A live demo of the game is available here: https://mltk-pacman.web.app
The game uses a Silicon Labs MG24 wireless SoC to detect the keywords: left, right, up, down, stop, and go and sends the keywords to a webpage via Bluetooth Low-Energy to control the Pac-Man.
This presentation will focus on how the Silicon Labs Machine Learning Toolkit was used to create the keyword spotting machine learning model.

Dan Riedler is a Principal Machine Learning Software Architect at Silicon Labs. He has been with the company for 5 years and has been in the industry for 13 years. For the past several years he has been helping to design and enable Silicon Lab’s machine learning offerings. As part of the machine learning enablement, he was the primary contributor to the Silicon Labs Machine Learning Toolkit.

Watch on YouTube:
Dan Riedler

Download presentation slides:
Dan Riedler

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