tinyML Talks on October 12, 2021 “AutoML + TinyML with Edge Impulse's EON Tuner” by David Schwarz

We held our next tinyML Talks webcast. David Schwarz from Edge Impulse presented AutoML + TinyML with Edge Impulse’s EON Tuner on October 12, 2021.

June 30 forum

Recently, AutoML techniques have made training and optimizing neural networks more accessible than ever, allowing use-case experts to experiment and find new and exciting applications for machine learning. To extend these tools to the TinyML sphere, Edge Impulse recently released the EON Tuner. The EON Tuner helps find and select the best embedded machine learning model for an application within the constraints of any target device. In this talk I’ll go over how the Tuner works, show how you can use it in your own projects, and discuss the unique benefits of AutoML for embedded systems.

David Schwarz is a User Success Engineer at Edge Impulse, helping customers build and deploy products powered by machine learning. He is a University of Texas graduate with previous experience in embedded systems design and applications engineering. He lives in Austin Texas and enjoys reading, swimming, and programming in his spare time.


Watch on YouTube:
David Schwarz

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David Schwarz

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