tinyML Talks on November 1, 2022 “No-Code Edge ML” by Pete Warden

We held our next tinyML Talks webcast. Pete Warden from Useful Sensors presented No-Code Edge ML on November 1, 2022.

November 1 LI

Adding ML-driven features to an embedded system has typically involved a lot of engineering work to integrate software like TensorFlow Lite Micro into your existing code, as well as the effort involved in gathering training sets and building models. In this talk, Pete will discuss how “ML Sensors” can make adding common capabilities like presence detection, gesture recognition, and voice interfaces to your projects as easy as connecting a simple hardware component like a sensor. As well as covering the integration and privacy advantages of hosting ML on a separate module, he’ll also discuss his startup Useful Sensors, and the first “Person Sensor” they’re releasing.

Pete is the CEO of Useful Sensors, a startup building AI interfaces for everyday objects in a privacy secure way using TinyML. He was previously the founder and tech lead of the TensorFlow Lite Micro embedded ML library, sold his previous company to Google in 2014, and is the author of the TinyML O’Reilly book.


Watch on YouTube:
Pete Warden

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Pete Warden

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