tinyML Talks on March 25, 2022 “How A Middle School Girl Solves a Real-Life Challenge Using TinyML: Gas Leak Detection” by Mithun Das and Sashrika Das

We held our next tinyML Talks webcast. Mithun Das from Cox Automotive and Sashrika Das from East Lyme Middle School presented How A Middle School Girl Solves a Real-Life Challenge Using TinyML: Gas Leak Detection on March 25, 2022.

Machine learning is an advanced field in Computer Science and Mathematics. Experts in data science and machine learning are working hard to bring this to embedded engineers and young programmers so that they can solve some real life problems using ML, more specifically tinyML without being an expert on this field. Once such platform is Edge Impulse which makes building ML model so intuitive that a middle schooler can learn and use for good. Join us in this talk where a 6th-grade student Sashrika Das will explain why and how she built a gas leak detection project using Wio Terminal, Multi-channnel gas sensor, and Edge Impulse Studio. Her device can smell diesel leaking from the tank and alert owner in real time. Sashrika will also share some tips for students her age to get started with tinyML. Meanwhile her dad, Mithun Das will showcase his project Camper which sees animal /human even in the dark using a thermal camera, Wio Terminal and Edge Impulse.

Mithun Das is a distinguished software engineer at Cox Automotive with 17 years of experience in software, ambassador at Edge Impulse & Balena. He obtained bachelors degree in “Information Technology” from IIEST, India. At Cox, innovation is in their culture which brought Mithun to the world IoT. For last 4-5 years, he has been working on IoT and ML for good. He has implemented many proof of concepts including low cost contact tracing, smart parking reducing carbon emission, saving peatlands using tinyML, smart collar for elephant, hearing substitution using haptic feedback are few of them.

Sashrika Das is a 6th grade student at East Lyme Middle School in Connecticut, USA. She is passionate about Internet of Things and programming. She participates in virtual contests such as “The coolest project” , “do your:bit”. She has started learning tinyML recently with guidance from her parent, and created proof of concept of some of her ideas.


Watch on YouTube:
Sashrika Das and Mithun Das

Download presentation slides:
Sashrika Das and Mithun Das

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