Adaptive AI for a Smarter Edge - Sek Chai - April 14, 2020

We had a lot of interesting questions today, and we covered a lot of them live.
I’ll add my thoughts here but Sek Chai and his colleagues from LatentAI are welcome to clarify further.

There were several questions about throttling of network utilization in Latent AI’s LEIP Adapt. From my understanding, and a quick skim of a paper on Toward Runtime-Throttleable Neural Networks, a smaller network is used to determine which parts of a larger network stay active. The utilization reduction can be obtained by reducing number of neurons in each layer and/or skipping layers entirely.

Sek - please add any other references or public material about this, as many attendees were interested in learning more.

Sek - could you please also comment on the level of difficulty in training such adaptive networks compared to typical DNN architectures.

There were several questions about LatentAI’s business model/cost, platforms supported, and other features. Please contact for further information.

A few questions were regarding power-of-two quantization. In Sek’s “Quantization Approaches” slide, the quantization levels for the logarithmic (power-of-two) are all 2^n, where n = -m, …, m (m is determined by the largest absolute value of the input signal range). This makes multiplication a lot simpler since all multiplying 2^a by 2^b is just 2^(a+b), which can be achieved by shift operations entirely. A key paper is Convolutional Neural Networks using Logarithmic Data Representation. Another recent paper on Additive Powers-of-Two Quantization talks about an extension of this idea.

One last topic was regarding tutorials and frameworks for tinyML. Pete Warden’s talk video and slides from March 31st on getting started with tinyML is available with the links from this forum thread.
Also please check out tinyML’s YouTube channel and the tinyML Summit material from 2020 and 2019, accessible at